This lesson focuses on the first law of motion. It includes a general activity involving the laws of motion, requiring students’ active participation. This article offers a perfect follow-up lesson to ensure students’ clear and accurate understanding of motion.
Like the previous article, this lesson introduces students to Newton’s laws of motion with a step by step process for modeling the concept of motion to students. This introductory lesson introduces students to the unit of study on motion. Help your students understand the groundwork behind further lessons on motion, speed, acceleration and velocity. This article is the first article in the series and serves as an introduction to Newtonian concepts. Your students will learn and your instruction will be dynamic and focused. Use the lessons in these articles to teach about motion and gravity, then, use these as tools for re-teaching and making connections to other subject areas such as mathematics and physical education. With the articles presented here, that ideal instructional situation is possible. Students engaged, active, on-task and learning: that’s the ideal situation in any instructional situation. A Dynamic Teaching Unit to Ensure Students’ Learning